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Offshore Leaks Database

Data from
Panama Papers - The Power Players
Member, DRC parliament

Jaynet Désirée Kabila Kyungu

Offshore company has holding in Congo's wireless communications business

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DR Congo


Jaynet Désirée Kabila Kyungu is the twin sister of Joseph Kabila, the president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Famed for secrecy and meticulousness, she was elected to parliament in November 2011 and took office in February 2012. Kabila is the president of the Laurent Desire Kabila Foundation, named after her father, and owner of Digital Congo, a television, Internet and radio conglomerate. In 2015, Jeune Afrique reported that Kabila had become “the most influential person in the president’s entourage.”

In the data

Keratsu Holding Limited was incorporated in Niue on June 19, 2001, a few months after Kabila’s brother became president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Jaynet Désirée Kabila Kyungu appeared as co-director with Congolese businessman Kalume Nyembwe Feruzi. Kabila is reportedly close to Feruzi, whose father was a confidant of Kabila’s father Laurent Desire Kabila, according to respected magazine Africa Confidential. Feruzi has also worked for the Laurent Desire Kabila Foundationof which she is president. The DRC company Keratsu Holding Ltd has owned stakes in one of the DRC’s major mobile phone operators.


Kgyungu Kabila did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
This visualization contains relevant information in relation to the profiled individual. Some additional connections might show up once we release the full structured data connected to the Paradise Papers investigation in the coming weeks.


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There are legitimate uses for offshore companies and trusts. Read more