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Offshore Leaks Database

Data from
Paradise Papers - Malta corporate registry


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Entity (385)

Role From To Incorporation Jurisdiction Status Data From
BTG OVERSEAS LTD. Auditor - - 28-MAR-2012 Malta - Paradise Papers
BTG TRADING LTD Auditor - - 28-MAR-2012 Malta - Paradise Papers
MEKTEK CO. LTD Auditor - - 25-JUN-2008 Malta - Paradise Papers
BTG BUSINESS LTD Auditor - - 28-MAR-2012 Malta - Paradise Papers
NORTH SOUTH INTERNATIONAL TRADING LTD. Auditor - - 07-SEP-2005 Malta - Paradise Papers
PLAIN TRADING LTD Auditor - - 19-APR-2013 Malta - Paradise Papers
Qamar Kwinta International Ltd. Auditor - - 07-DEC-2007 Malta - Paradise Papers
X.T.C. TOWING SERVICES LIMITED Auditor - - 23-AUG-1994 Malta - Paradise Papers
ODAX INTERNATIONAL LTD. Auditor - - 14-NOV-2000 Malta - Paradise Papers
OCEAN INTERNATIONAL CORP. LIMITED Auditor - - 27-MAR-2003 Malta - Paradise Papers
Auditor - - Malta - Paradise Papers
INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS & INVESTMENT LTD Auditor - - 09-OCT-2002 Malta - Paradise Papers
Phoenix Trading Inc. Ltd Auditor - - 16-OCT-2012 Malta - Paradise Papers
KEPPLER CONSULTING LTD Auditor - - 15-OCT-2009 Malta - Paradise Papers
KT EUROPE LIMITED Auditor - - 07-AUG-2012 Malta - Paradise Papers
TARHUNI CO. LTD Auditor - - 27-AUG-2009 Malta - Paradise Papers
SHAHD INTERNATIONAL LTD. Auditor - - 12-AUG-2014 Malta - Paradise Papers
R.T.S. LTD Auditor - - 26-SEP-2003 Malta - Paradise Papers

How to download this database

The ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database is licensed under the Open Database License and contents under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. Always cite the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists when using this data. You can download a raw copy of the database here.
